How XR technology is changing our lives


How XR technology is changing our lives

XR is a general term for technologies that somehow involve new realities – virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR, augmented reality), and mixed reality (MR, mixed reality). Now XR is increasingly found in everyday life, finding new and diverse applications. In this article, we will tell you in detail which specific areas of our life have already penetrated what was called the “technology of the future” yesterday.

XR and sales

About 10 years ago, VR and AR in advertising were something new and caused a powerful wow effect. Big brands such as IKEA, Coca-Cola, and L’Oréal Paris have been pioneers in this area. The opportunity to “try on” new furniture in your home or try a new lipstick on yourself through the phone screen perfectly attracted the attention of buyers to already well-known manufacturers.

Now technologies have become available not only to large global companies. Augmented reality is also used by small local companies. For example, the Ural Pelmeni factory was one of the first in Russia to launch a marketing campaign with AR elements. Manufacturers placed a label on packs of AGON brand dumplings, by scanning which the buyer could “talk” with the brand’s mascot – an attractive girl. An interesting example was the Dixy supermarket chain. As part of the action “Look, Dinosaurs!” for a purchase of a certain amount, store visitors received stickers that came to life on smartphone screens using AR.

In 2022, some brands began to sell not only real but also completely virtual products. So, Nike launched its mini-universe on the Roblox platform and sold its NFT sneakers there, attracting NBA stars to advertising. Russian children’s clothing brand Orby has presented its virtual clothing collection in the Minecraft metaverse.

XR and home travel

In the field of tourism, VR technologies can be divided into two areas. The first is purely entertaining, offering users the opportunity to explore the world’s attractions without leaving home. The most famous examples here are the Everest VR, Google Earth VR, The Grand Canyon Experience, and Wander VR apps. In addition, hundreds of 360 videos can be found on YouTube, allowing you to take a virtual walk through the streets of major tourist cities such as New York, Tokyo, or London.

The second direction is practical. With the help of 3D tours, hotels attract new guests, demonstrating their advantages visually. Here is an example of such visualizations from Hyatt Regency. In Russia, the InterContinental Moscow Tverskaya Hotel has become a pioneer in the use of virtual tours. You can also visit famous museums with the help of VR glasses – from the Louvre to the Hermitage.

A significant impetus to the development of VR in tourism was given by the 2020 pandemic. But the trend itself started much earlier and continues to grow today. This is shown by studies of the number of publications devoted to the topic. 

Separately, it is worth mentioning AR technologies in tourism. They allow expanding the urban space by offering users interactive navigation, immersive tours or simply translating inscriptions into a foreign language. 

Planners and business meetings in virtual reality

Business events in virtual reality are becoming more and more popular. The COVID-19 pandemic and the transition of many employees to remote work also played an important role here. VR helmets allow you to simulate a personal presence and contribute to greater employee involvement compared to simple Zoom conferences.

Not only large IT companies resort to new technologies for employee communication. Among foreign firms, an example is the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, and among Russian firms, Sberbank.

Often the space for virtual meetings is the metaverses. So, in September 2022, the first all-Russian conference on digital marketing Marketing Meta Conf was held in the AltSpace metaverse from Microsoft. On it, experts shared their cases of brand promotion in the metaverse and made forecasts for the future.

VR sports

Virtual technologies help users keep fit. Wearing a VR helmet, you can shoot a bow with the QuiVR app, practice boxing in BoxVR, or dance actively in Dance Central.

Study participants from scientists from the University of London noted a greater degree of engagement and satisfaction with the result of VR training compared to conventional video exercises.

VR also provides a safe opportunity for extreme sports like skiing, snowboarding, skydiving, etc.

XR in industry and space exploration

Increasingly, large companies are using VR to train and adapt employees. This saves production resources, reduces scrap rates, and improves safety. Employees of the petrochemical company Sibur undergo a three-stage virtual training with testing and control. At the Severstal concern, a visual briefing of employees on working at high-rise facilities takes place in a virtual environment.

Through VR content, you can work out what to do in emergency situations. Three locations were developed for the Omsk Lubricants Plant, where employees in different positions train how to interact in the event of an emergency.

Virtual reality is also suitable for improving communication skills. VR technologies used to train employees in a medical institution showed a 30% higher efficiency compared to standard methods.

Mixed reality technology has proved useful in space exploration. Astronauts on the ISS actively use Microsoft HoloLens MR glasses to communicate with the control center during complex repairs at the station.

How XR Drives Business Growth

According to ResearchAndMarkets analysts, the market for VR and AR devices in 2021 reached $29.48 billion. This means that the business has a large audience that can be reached through new technologies. Yes, making a branded VR game is now much more expensive than a regular mobile or browser game. But the wow effect of such a project will be much higher. 

Business integration into metaverses is another promising way for business development. Here you can not only increase the popularity of your real product but also reach a fundamentally new level by selling a separate digital product.

AR technologies have been gradually entering marketing for about ten years now and even becoming an ordinary part of it. Applying them means providing the customer with a better service and increasing sales.