P2P networks and DPI technologies have a complex relationship, with both sides constantly evolving to overcome the other’s advances.
VPN Gate originated as an academic experiment by Daiyu Nobori in 2013. This project is an Internet research service that operates from the Graduate School of the University of Tsukuba in Japan.
Read more about VPN Gate, or – a distributed VPN network
The current state of the web is dominated by large tech companies: Meta, Google, Apple, and Microsoft, which exercise complete control over the digital world and exploit users to maximize profits.
Read more about PeerTube peer-to-peer video hosting – free alternative to YouTube
The P2P architecture, in contrast, allows users to share and consume resources directly, without intermediaries.
Read more about Peer-to-Peer (P2P) – The next stage in the development of information systems
Hong Kong’s experience has demonstrated that decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) messaging services that operate without the Internet can be an effective solution.
Read more about Peer-to-peer messengers – an enemy of the state?
In recent times, numerous websites have experienced a significant increase in their viewership.
Read more about Post in P2P format — what protocols decentralized social networks are built on